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Directors' Statement


As I filmmaker I first became engaged with the subject of national accounting when I produced Terre’s Nash’s acclaimed documentary about Marilyn Waring called Who’s Counting, Sex, Lies and Global Economics? for the National Film Board of Canada. Later when I moved to Nova Scotia, Canada, I discovered that Ron Colman lived just down the Bay from me.We became friends. Through that connection I became more familiar with the work of the Genuine Progress Index in Canada and Gross National Happiness in Bhutan. Perhaps because of the urgency of the present situation I felt called to begin another film on the subject of global economics.The field of economics is not so academic anymore, or food for political fantasy or a source of argument by the left or the right. It has become deeply personal for all us as we fear what is in store for our own and everyone else's children and grandchildren. I started work on this film several years ago when I was in Bhutan for a Conference on Education that Ron Colman had pulled together at the behest of Prime Minister Jigme Y Thinley.  It has been fits and starts since then. It was difficult to find funding and then slowed down because of travel and other restrictions during the Covid Pandemic. This film can be seen as a loving letter from one generation to the next. As Ron Colman says in the film "We have failed".Hopefully, the lessons experienced by the baby boom generation may be of some benefit and encouragement to the present generation who are facing so many unprecedented challenges.



A Film by Kent Martin


Ronald Colman and Jigme Y Thinley



Marilyn Waring   Vandana Shiva

Sanjit Bunker Roy  Satish Kumar

Elizabeth May   Linda Pannozzo

Will Martin   Norbert Kundl

Tony Charles    Mathias Wakernagel


Jeff Reilly, Peter Anthony Tongi & Christoph Both

Jerry Granelli   Asif Illyas

MacCrimmon’s Revenge

Karlene M. Francis   Jeff Torbert   Steve Mustain

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