Milton Acorn:
In Love and Anger
A portrait of the great late poet Milton Acorn by his friend, Kent Martin.
Awards for Editing
and Direction

"Milton Acorn, is in my view Canada’s greatest poet "
- Rick Salutin The Toronto Star
Milton Acorn left Prince Edward Island in the late 1940s to earn his living as an itinerant carpenter, and wound up in Toronto as one of Canada's most highly regarded poets and one of its most outrageous literary figures. Dubbed "The People's Poet" by fellow poets, he won the Governor General's Literary Award in 1975. Burned out by personal crises, Acorn moved back to Charlottetown in 1981. This film brings out Acorn's wit, love of nature, unorthodox political views, and sometimes infuriating personal contradictions.
I tell you there are men on Earth who usually tell the truth
I know because I am one of them,
And know I’m not unique.
- Milton Acorn
Directed by: Kent Martin
Producer: Barry Cowling
Editor: Kent Martin
Cinematography: Kent Nason
Music: Steve Tittle
Sound: Arthur McKay
Executive Producer: Rex Tasker
Watch: https://www.nfb.ca/film/in_love_and_anger_milton_acorn_poet